Wednesday, June 30, 2010


By now the entire world will have heard about the disastrous antenna issue plaguing what seems to be every single iPhone 4 on the market. To add insult to injury, yellow spotting on the screen and various issues with Exchange have also been reported, making this product launch one of the most disastrous in Apple history.

One may well recall the Mobile Me fiasco of a few years ago, and while that disaster was truly one of epic proportions, the floundering mess of design and engineering mistakes that the iPhone 4 has become eclipses those in every way. But nobody seems to care. Apple has sold over 1,700,000 iPhone 4s, despite news of the product's many flaws being common knowledge.

The truth is that people (me included) are so blindly devoted to Apple that they are willing to line up around the block to purchase a "perfect" phone. Except they aren't purchasing a perfect phone; far from it. They are purchasing a flawed, inherently broken product which is discomfortingly easy to break and, in many cases, does not function as a phone unless you hold it in a certain way. They are purchasing the idea of a perfect phone, purchasing the hope that Apple will resolve these issues and purchasing the blind belief that somehow everything will be okay, that somehow the pros will outweigh the cons.

Ask yourself this question: do you want an iPhone 4? Do you want a phone that doesn't work properly? Do you want a product that can so easily end up looking like the picture below? Would you sacrifice the harsh reality to believe in the dream? Stupid as it may sound, I know I do.

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