Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rock Band 3

Since the initial introduction of Guitar Hero in 2005, the Music/Rhythm video game genre has never really been able to deliver on its true potential. Having the player, or players in recent games, mash coloured buttons is extremely fun (I would know), but always leaves me with the feeling that, perhaps if I had spent that time playing my real guitar, I could be truly excellent.

This type of game has the potential to teach hundreds of thousands of people how to play actual instruments. The coloured prompts that flash down the screen could represent chords, or individual notes, and a
real guitar/controller hybrid could well be used to teach players how to play real music.

With the introduction of the original Rock Band in 2007 and Guitar Hero World Tour in 2008 the genre took a step towards that direction, offering players the opportunity to hammer at a brightly coloured drum set. This set mimics real drums, allowing proficient drummers to play the game as they would a real drum kit.

Rock Band 3, slated for release this fall, is the game which finally fulfils its original promise. Not only does it use a 102 buttoned, real string controlled guitar controller, but the game will also include a Squier Stratocaster hybrid controller, and a built in 'Pro' mode which, lo and behold, teaches players how to play a real guitar.

That's not all. A two-octive, MIDI keyboard can also be purchased.
It will also work with the game, functioning just like a real keyboard, and bringing the Music/Rhythm video game experience that one step closer to a fun, enjoyable game that can be truly called educational

Cool? You bet.

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